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How to Setup “Stripe” Payment Gateway in SuiteDash

Accepting credit card payments over the Internet is daunting and complex.

37 students enrolled

Accepting credit card payments over the Internet is daunting and complex.

In this video course, I will show you how to use Stripe as a payment gateway in SuiteDash.

What is Stripe?

For any online business model, Stripe’s  APIs are like low-level building blocks that can be used to accept payments, manage customers, handle recurring subscriptions, and more. 

Lyft uses it to take payments from riders and payout drivers. 

Digital Ocean uses it to sell metered software as a service product.

Shopify uses it to implement a massive online marketplace. 

Instead of worrying about things like compliance, security, and fraud detection, you can focus on the user experience and implement your payment system with just a few clicks. 

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